Experts from all over Europe working towards
a wider use of In Silico Trials
Lowering the barriers
to a universal adoption
of In Silico Trials
The In Silico World project aims at accelerating the uptake of modelling and simulation technologies used for the development and regulatory assessment of medicines and medical devices, by lowering seven identified barriers: development, validation, accreditation, optimisation, exploitation, information, and training.
Our mission and vision
A wider adoption
of In SilicoTrials
in the biomedical
Our mission is lowering the barriers to a universal adoption of In Silico Trials
Our vision is a future
where medical products, thanks to the use of modelling and simulation, are developed much faster and with
the highest possible safety standards
Discover moreSilico Trials solutions you developed:
connect with your community of peers
Collaboratethe assessment of new medical products can offer your company a substantial competitive advantage
Discover moreproducts
Patients and Public
Discover morecheaper medical products
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In Silico World
Meet the people
Discover moreWe count on a total of more than 100 professionals from 17 partner institutions including universities, companies,
research hospitals, an international research centre, a non-governmental organisation and a standardisation body
Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna (UNIBO)
Read moreUNIBO is the project Coordinator and WP1 leader.
Most of the activities assigned to partner UNIBO in the ISW project will be responsibility of the In Silico Medicine Group led by Prof Marco Viceconti, based at the Department of Industrial Engineering.
Principal Investigator: Prof. Marco Viceconti
Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA)
Read moreThe Computational Science Lab of the faculty of Science of the University of Amsterdam aims to describe and understand how complex systems in nature and society process information.
UvA will participate in the project providing its competences in advanced modelling, regulatory aspects, and computing aspects.
Principal Investigator: Prof. Alfons Hoekstra
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e)
Read moreEindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) is a research university specializing in engineering science & technology.
TUE will lead and mainly be involved in WP3 – curation of different validation data collections and WP9 – legal provisions and relevant ethical considerations, for the aspects of data management.
Principal Investigator: Prof. Frans van de Vosse
Università degli Studi di Catania (UNICT)
Read moreIn the Department of Drug and Health Sciences, the Computational Systems Biomedicine Research Group – COMBINE ( drives the research in applying computational methodologies to the field of biomedicine.
UNICT is the scientific Coordinator and WP4 leader.
Principal Investigator: Prof. Francesco Pappalardo