Good Simulation Practice

The practice of In Silico Trials is still far from being established. Most of the research so far has been conducted in academic laboratories and thus far from the needs of industrial users. This is why our community works to consolidate a set of industrial practices that make easier and reliable the development and use of In Silico Trials solutions.

In close collaboration with the Avicenna Alliance, In Silico World community of practice hosts the consensus process to develop the so-called Good Simulation Practice.

The idea is to develop eventually something equivalent to the Good Clinical Practice defined by the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use.

A first step in this consensus process is the collection of regulatory documents published worldwide that might be relevant for this consensus process.

You can contribute by joining the GSP Task Force established by the Avicenna Alliance in collaboration with the Medical Device Innovation Consortium and the Food and Drugs Administration

GSP Task Force

The Avicenna Alliance has created a GSP Task Force within its Policy Development Working Group with the scope to drive this consensus process, develop this collection of draft and supporting documents, and then provide a sounding board to future standardisation efforts as part of a global GSP Initiative.

The GSP Initiative is a grass-root initiative, open to individuals and organisations.

> Discover more about the GSP Task Force

GSP document collection

A first step toward the compilation of the GSP is to collect all regulatory documents of the various authorities around the world that are related to this topic.

> Browse GSP document collection

GSP community channel

Are you an expert on in silico and want to join the conversation on GSP?

> Join the GSP channel on the Community


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